Dear, Friends,
I am trying to make a new better blog in this moment. Even, i'm trying to make a redirect, so everyone who visit this old blog will move directly to the new one... Hehe... I hope I can... I'm studying the tutorial now.
Senin, 13 Oktober 2008
My New Blog
Senin, 08 September 2008
Happy Shaum!!
Dear my friends,
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa di Ramadhan 1429 H ini. Ayo kita jalani dengan hati bersih dan penuh semangat!!!
And, I'm so sad that UNITED failed to be champion of Super Europe Cup...
Senin, 02 Juni 2008
Double Winners
MANCHESTER UNITED at least become the champion of Europe after nine years...
Let's celebrate our very nice year!!! I love 2008, although england will not join Euro at Switzerland-Austria...
thanks for GOD
Senin, 19 Mei 2008
Thomas 'n Uber Cup
Bye... Bye... Thomas 'n Uber Cup,
Piala yang lepas maunya seh diuber,
tapi apa daya tangan belum cukup jangkauannya.
Sabar ya, mas hendra, mas kido, neng Pia, mbak Firda, mas Sony, mas Taufik, mbak Polli, mbak Jo, mbak Butet, mbak Vita, mbak Maria, mas Chandra, mas Nova, mbak Susy, mas hendrawan, de el el deh...
Ayo kita balas Bao Chunlai cs di Beijing pas olimpiade nanti!!!
Libas c di moscow!
Senin, 12 Mei 2008
Let's Celebrate
Hip... Hip... Hurray...
Finally, MANCHESTER UNITED becomes Barclays Premier League for seventeen times. We has reached Liverpool's record. I am so so so happy so much...
Now, Moscow wait for us... Wish the best for us will be happened
Rabu, 07 Mei 2008
So Close
Hiii, everybody,
I'm so happy now, and maybe you know why. Yea, UNITED almost reach two titles for this season. I can't wait. But it's so unique that our rival in two competitions are same. Chelsea!!!
I just can pray for UNITED succes...
Manchester United, Dani Pedrosa, and Kimi Raikkonen are still on the top. Live is still so beatifull for me.
And then, Andrea's book is so outstanding, i'm jealoush with the live he has...
Bravo Andrea 'n UNITED
Minggu, 27 April 2008
Udah lama gak posting, eh malah harus nulis yg sediiiih-sediiiih. Gak tau napa, UNITED lagi berada dalam masa-masa sulit, huhuhu... Dua kali seri, eh malem minggu kmaren malah kalah. Payah... Untungnya masih aja ada di puncak. Yah, bener juga, makin tinggi makin kenceng angin berembus. Sabar, sabar. Tahan, tahan ...
Ayo, sikat Barca 'n rebut double winner. We never give up!